Julian Turner
Planned imperfection permeates the multimedia works of Julian Turner, in which standard conventions of the art scene are quoted and questioned in a humorous way. Turner examines references to architecture and material that have fallen into disfavor, reevaluating and reinterpreting them. Their charm lies in the not-quite perfect, in the improvised.
Collages, models, material imitations and popular tropes such as food, architecture and technology are appropriated from everything the artist finds interesting, planted into the spaces they inhabit and charged with new meaning in Turner’s amateurish signature style.
During my stay at HIAP, I intend to pursue my research into everyday, yet oblique topics:
Public signage, architectural happenstance, nautical themes, scale models.
A special long term interest of mine is the future, that is, visual tropes that often show up when one is trying to visualise the future. Lots of blue and silver, wireframe grid lines, smooth surfaces, LCD fonts… These may show up in exhibtions, shopwindows, advertising, anywhere. So while the title may suggest otherwise, it is actually about the (recent) past, like much of my work.
Julian Turner’s residency is realised in collaboration with the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport (BMKOES).