1 Dec 2016
Juha Huuskonen to continue as HIAP Director

Photo by Maija Hirvanen
HIAP Board has invited Juha Huuskonen to continue as the HIAP Director for the period 2017-2019.
“I’m delighted about this great opportunity to continue the development of HIAP. The first three years have been an exciting journey and I’m grateful for everyone who has been involved in realising the ambitious programme we’ve had.”
During Juha’s directorship, HIAP’s core activities have been re-organised in various ways. The residency periods are longer and arranged around specific residency seasons, which enabled stronger bonds to be built within the residency community. The annual printed publications document the residency activities and other HIAP endeavours. More emphasis has been put on local and international collaboration, including the recently initiated Japan & Korea programme.
Some of the upcoming new developments include setting up a new HIAP community space and a library. The library will present the work of HIAP alumni artists, highlight the thematic foci of HIAP and act as a distribution point for publications by artists and art organisations.
HIAP residency programme’s mission is to provide opportunities for international arts professionals to undertake creative work, conduct research, build networks and engage in an interdisciplinary dialogue with the HIAP community.