13 Dec 2018


Molecular Organization Presents: Experiments of Organization

In cooperation with Baltic Circle Theatre Festival, Helsinki School of Economics, Theatre Academy, HIAPand Art School Maa The workshop series is part of the “Mental Ecology in Cognitive Capitalism – A Félix Guattari Master Class” which has been working to map the mechanisms of production of value and new forms of control which have spread into our mental and social environments: the ecological disequilibrium of our mental environments (precarious states of mind, panic and depression as a forms of life, the erosion of subjectivity and its foundations etc.) is like an organ of the mutation of capitalism where the structures and risks of production have spread into structures of subjectivity, meaning, desire and relationships. The question of the ecology of these regions – the question of the future and environments of the “incorporeal species” of ideas, feelings, states of mind and modes of cooperation – is as pressing a problem as is the ecology of the natural world. The problem is not only something “external” to us, but resides already “inside” us, in our hearts and minds, in our friends and modes of cooperation. The third workshop series of the Guattari Master Class focuses on experiments in positive organization of “cooperation between brains”. Its starting point is in the fragility of cooperation, the difficulty and slowness of building the conditions of creation, and the unpredictability and suddenness of how easily they fall on such a traditional conflicts and problems of “communities”, how both the “good” cooperative innovation and the “bad” cooperative negation depend on the same cruel experience of uncertainty, and how easily all the potentiality of cooperation turns into vicious violence. Perhaps it is this very instability, ambivalence, waggling and a kind of distance or indifference on which any organization and its experimentation should start today.

Workshop on Ueinzz theater company´s creative process.

History The Ueinzz Theater Company was born in 1997, at “The House” Daytime Hospital, when the directors Sérgio Penna and Renato Cohen were invited by the institutionto coordinate a theatrical activity for approximately twenty psychiatric patients,in the space of expressive activities traditionally held on Wednesdays, under the general coordination of Peter Pál Pelbart, a therapist for the Daytime Hospital at the time,and the team of coordinators, Paula Patrícia Francisquetti, Ana Carmen Del Collado, Eduardo Lettiere and Erika Inforsato, among others. The initial idea proposed by one of the patients was to do “real” theater, as opposed to theather “by loonies, for loonies”. Thus, the directors embarked on creating a play to be performed outside the Daytime Hospital, and from the actors’ unique universe, their mythic, imaginary, gestural,sonorous and experiential repertoire would be made scenically valuable.

Finnegans Ueinzz
The Finnegans Ueinzz Project sets out to continue Ueinzz Theater Company´s creative research by exploring the universe of James Joyce, especially Finnegans Wake and Ulysses. The starting-point for this research is a set of creative devices that will drive our creation. These drivers will have direct and indirect outcomes, as follows:

– Performances of the play Finnegans Ueinzz, inspired by Finnegans Wake – Performances-interventions based on extracts from Finnegans Wake and Ulysses in urban locations with an intense flow of people. – Workshops onUeinzz Theater Company’s creative process

A continuation of the process started with partner Alejandra Riera in 2008, an installation/multimedia environment including video and the presence of the performers.

The group reinvents itself in a journey through Joyce´s language, in which actors and spectators come together to celebrate life´s potentialities, magnetized by Joseph Beuys´ expanded conception of art.

Workshop A laboratory workshop for theatre practicioners, dancers, performers and alike. Workshop is based on:

– Reinventing the collective – Creating a new language – Composing personae – Dream-scene

Laboratories and improvisations from situations defined by smallperformer groups.

But there are no functional divisions between games, warm-up sessions, exercises and scene: potentially, everything can be a scene, or the scene can serve as a warming up. But this is only the consequence: what we seek in every encounter is to create these triggers that help develop a creative path, a flow of intensities. For this reason some proceedings are elaborated, and proposed to the group: when the collective adheres to what has been suggested, they are developed.

Workshop by Ueinzz group on Wednesday 18th of November, starting from 4 pm, in Theatre Academy Helsinki.

Please sign up to the workshop before the 16th of November to:



HIAP artist residency www.hiap.fi
Aivojen yhteistyön muistivihkot Baltic Circle Theatre Festival 2009 www.q-teatteri.fi/baltic_circle
Helsinki School of Economics www.hse.fi
Art School Maa www.taidekoulumaa.fi
Theatre Academy CARPA www.teak.fi/Tutkimus/carpa
Turun yliopisto, taiteiden tutkimuksen laitos www.hum.utu.fi/laitokset/taiteidentutkimus
Tutkijaliitto, Polemos-sarja www.tutkijaliitto.fi