22 Jun 2016
New Residency Exchange Programmes in Tokyo and Seoul

Image: SeMA NANJI Residency
HIAP and the Finnish Cultural Foundation are pleased to announce two new residency exchange programmes with Tokyo Wonder Site in Tokyo, Japan and SeMA NANJI in Seoul, South Korea. These two residency exchanges are the first step in enabling more exchange between the Finnish, Japanese and Korean art scenes.
“The new residency exchanges with Asian partners form a part of a larger renewal of the residency programme of the Finnish Cultural Foundation, and we are extremely happy to be working with HIAP, thanks to whom the program can be realised in a reciprocal way. We hope that artists in all respective countries take advantage of the new opportunities, and apply in large numbers”, says Senior advisor Johanna Ruohonenfrom the Finnish Cultural Foundation.
Tokyo Wonder Site is a creative and communications platform dedicated to the generation and promotion of new art and culture from the heart of Tokyo. Based in TWS Hongo, TWS Shibuya and TWS Residency, Tokyo Wonder Site supports and nurtures young talent in all fields as well as takes a role as a hub in a global cultural network of affiliated cultural facilities in Japan and abroad, and at once a platform for both new talents and internationally active creators to exchange and showcase their works. TWS Residency has opened in late 2014, offering the opportunity for creative individuals from all genres and nationalities to pursue their respective work in a shared process.
SeMA NANJI Residency (SNR) is a Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA) affiliate. Founded in 2006, SNR aims to support artists from around the world over various fields of the visual arts for their creative work. Located in the beautiful Worldcup Park along Seoul’s Han River, the tranquil environment inspires residents within the city boundary. SNR is valued for providing artists a closer networking with both local and international communities through its strategic location of being near Seoul’s most thriving art sector. SeMA Nanji Residency organizes exhibitions such as the NANJI ART SHOW and Art Critic Workshop, and runs other programs designed to enhance exhibitions and research capability. It also operates the International Artist Exchange Program to utilize international residency network and multiply exchanges, and hosts lectures and Mentoring Program, in which art experts from Korea and other countries are invited to participate.
The open call for Finnish artists for residencies in Japan and Korea will be announced in August 2016 for residencies in 2017. The open calls for Korean ja Japanese artists will be sent out in autumn 2016 for residencies at HIAP in 2017.
In addition to these two residency exchanges, HIAP in collaboration with AV-arkki – the Distribution Centre for Finnish media Art and Frame Contemporary Art Finland will launch a new exchange programme between Finland, Korea and Japan with the support of Ministry of Education and Culture. More details about this programme will be announced in the coming weeks.
More information about Tokyo Wonder Site & SeMA NANJI Residency exchanges:
https://skr.fi/fi/ajankohtaista/kulttuurirahasto-uudistaa-residenssitoimintansa (in Finnish)
Finnish Cultural Foundation is a private trust dedicated to promoting art, science, and other fields of intellectual and cultural endeavor in Finland.