Eugenie Keefer Bell
Eugenie Keefer Bell
“A sense of place, or a memory of a particular place, often provides the impetus for my work as a goldsmith and photographer. Recollections of travelling through Scandinavia and Japan in winter or spring, or the glittering brilliance of icy Canberra winter mornings provide springboards and rich sources. These encounters are drawn, deconstructed, combined with other traces of observation and making, and developed into objects and images imbued with recollection of their origins. My studio work for the residency at HIAP will develop this notion of memory and place.”
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. Please see note below
Eugenie Keefer Bell is accompanied on the residency by her husband, Dr Robert Bell, Senior Curator of Decorative Arts and Design at the National Gallery of Australia. He has a long involvement with Scandinavian design, and will be researching Finnish design and the work of Eliel Saarinen while at HIAP.