Jyrki Riekki

Jyrki Riekki’s paintings are terrifically loud, energetic and furious. They are filled with critical power, alloyed with a genuine talent for painting. It is obvious that Riekki also works with performance, movements, exclamations and script. And beneath that script there lies a carnality that can be reminiscent of baroque painting. But cut and shaken up for our own brutal, frightening age; an age that Riekki ruthlessly continues to lambast in his three-dimensional objects, often with a streak of scorching black humour. – Måns Holst-Ekström, Art critic

During his residency Jyrki Riekki will be working on three different projects. He will be painting a series using the local atmosphere as a starting point, connecting the “subconscious” methods to studying nature. He will also work on the production of the film The Road, with Finnish-Ethiopian songwriter Mirel Wagner. Riekki is also reuniting the performance group The Blackroom Act, with Kaisa Niemi, Anne Hiekkaranta and Simo Kellokumpu.