Kemal Ulosoy
Kemal Ulosoy began doing theatre in Kurdish in 1990 at the regional association KAYY-DER playing in different towns in Eastern Anatolia, such as Kiğı, Adaklı, Yayladere, Yedisu. In one of his initial roles he played in Xwezgînî, perhaps the first Kurdish theatre production ever seen by the Kurds living in Northern Kurdistan, as well as for the millions of people living in Istanbul. One year later he joined the Mesopotamia Culture Center at Teatra Jiyana Nû (New Life Theatre) to continue his artistic career playing theatre in Kurdish, his mother tongue. He has performed in films, television shows, documentaries and theatrical productions. Kemal has also participated in many international theater festivals as an actor. He has done Kurdish language dubbing for cartoons on Zarok Tv. In 2017 he took part in the formation of Amed City Theater.
The residency is realised in context of AR-Safe Haven Helsinki programme co-organised by Perpetuum Mobile and HIAP and funded by the City of Helsinki.